Giulio Paolini
Les aventures de la dialectique (II), 1992
29.7 x 21 cm (sheet)
100 copies in Arabic numerals and 30 in Roman numerals
Essegi Editions, Ravenna
Signed and numbered by the artist in the lower center
Edition published in the Catalogue raisonné of the works of Giulio Paolini
In the background of a tree-lined avenue, a white framing inscribes a double
plant graft. from the tree in a central position along the road rises
another tree, which is overlaid with the image of a cypress tree growing
inside an oak tree. Scattered in the foreground are fragments
photographic fragments of another landscape, as if it were a torn image revealing
to the eye the view below. Even the title implies the interlocking of
two different references: on the one hand, the citation of the volume of the same name by
Maurice Merleau-Ponty (Les aventures de la dialectique, 1955) and on the other hand
the evocation of a well-known painting by René Magritte (Éloge de la dialectique, 1937).
As the numbering in the title indicates, the edition constitutes the second
variant of a theme initiated in 1975, in a collage that the artist recalls in
these terms. "The work on paper was born from a photograph taken by my
wife, Anna Piva, in Tuscany. While we were walking I was amazed by a
cypress tree that was born and grew inside an oak tree. Combining that shot with some
fragments depicting other landscapes, I made an interpenetration of
images, a montage of sky on sky and water on land, to echo the
arboreal interpenetration. The 'adventures' of dialectics are the supposed
contradictions to which the dialectic can lead us. "1 In the graphic edition,
Paolini superimposes this original image on a new arboreal graft
photographed on the road: a kind of mise en abîme, where the eccentricity of the
natural world is the protagonist.
G. Paolini in conversation with I. Bernardi, March 26, 2013.
Bibliographic references.
Impressions graphiques. The graphic work 1967-1992 of Giulio Paolini, Marco Noire Editore,
Turin 1992, 1992-95 update issue, cat. no. 87.
(b. Genoa 1940). An exponent of the conceptual avant-garde, through continuous experimentation with techniques and materials he has developed a personal dialectical reflection on art, with particular attention to the relationship between artist and viewer. Present in the most important Italian and foreign museums, he received, among other awards, an honorable mention at the 12th São Paulo Biennial in Brazil (1973), the Fonta Prize. Life and works Settled in Turin since 1952, he studied at the Institute of Graphic and Photographic Arts. Through photographs, reproductions, casts, and collages, his research tends to analyze the structures of art in a dialectical position towards the history of images and their relationship with the viewer. His works, featured in major national and international exhibitions, include: Young Man Looking at Lorenzo Lotto (1967); Apotheosis of Homer (1970-71); Mimesis (1975); De pictura (1979); Portrait of the Artist as Model (1980); Caryatids (1980); Contemplator enim (1991); Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (2002).
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