State of Mind

JeeYoung Lee is incredible. Since 2007, she has been creating these incredible whimsical, imaginative, and at times a little creepy, environments within her 3 x 6 meter studio. These scenes then become the setting for a self-portrait, each a quest for identity, her desires, and her frame of mind.

Take a look for yourself, aren’t these just amazing!

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, Birthday Birthday.

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, Oversleeping Oversleeping.

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, Foodchain Foodchain.

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, Reaching for the Stars Reaching for the Stars.

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, My Chemical Romance My Chemical Romance.

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, Panic Room Panic Room.

JeeYoung Lee, Opiom Gallery, Resurrection Resurrection.

State of Mind: Scènes d’Esprit will be on exhibition from February 7th to March 7th, 2014 at Opiom Gallery.

* All images courtesy of Opiom Gallery.